All Customworks 6 versions

Release notes
  • PROD-3485 Implement time stamp file naming part
  • PROD-3486 Implement GUID file naming part
  • PROD-3512 Project properties are not updated properly while copying
  • PROD-3504 Implement exit code for command line application
  • PROD-3505 Implement possiblity to include xml nodes for empty custom property values also
  • PROD-3524 Add setting for Part Configuration Grouping into export mode
  • PROD-3518 Using table export in print mode exports the same main assembly xml for each model in the structure
  • PROD-3509 Enable property editors in copy & print tables
  • PROD-3522 Selecting first row after reading table does not work
  • PROD-3515 Copying variable values using custom actions does not work in copy or save as modes
Release notes
  • PROD-3497 Variable default value fails in specific case
  • PROD-3499 Validation of classification rule does not work as intended
  • PROD-3498 Layout broken in variable settings in profile editor
Release notes
  • PROD-3347 Delegate command line operations to addin
  • PROD-3434 Improve profile validation
  • PROD-3432 Show target directory does not update properly
  • PROD-3462 Table view xml export misses components when exported as export output section
  • PROD-3433 Add setting for printing drawings in black and white
    • Setting was added to printer output in Export Mode to force printing document in black and white.
  • PROD-3448 Large Design review mode should disable save as
  • PROD-3438 When additional items are created in part and cut-list level the counts are not correct
  • PROD-3476 Implement silent command line export
    • Command line application can now be run using CustomWorksSilent.exe to hide the command line eg. when running exports using PDM dispatch.
  • PROD-3422 Variable values fail to read in table mode unless each row is selected first
  • PROD-3447 Database is locked
  • PROD-3444 Implement command line switch to omit active SW session
  • PROD-3349 Assemblies are missing child components in sub assemblies when sub-assembly is a row also and the table is flattened
  • PROD-3495 Copy mode fails to copy drawings in specific case
  • PROD-3259 Add option to easily use active model name in file naming
  • PROD-3460 Changing active configuration does not update properties mode selection
  • PROD-3418 Implement Open command in CustomWorks Standalone
  • PROD-3431 Print matching sheets using variable value
    • Pdf, Dxf and Printer outputs can now be defined to export only sheets whose referenced configuration matches the referencing component configuration.
  • PROD-3443 Cannot create table view from weldment parts and their cut-list-items
  • PROD-3395 Improve progress bar in export mode
  • PROD-3325 Top level only setting shows components in sub-assembly
  • PROD-3331 Remove table column sort persistance
    • Due to customer feedback the table views now revert to unsorted state each time table view is opened.
  • PROD-3134 Implement possibility to create auxiliary items in tree like structure
  • PROD-3183 CustomWorks Standalone
    • SolidWorks documents can now be edited using CustomWorks Standalone, which can be found in CustomWorks installation directory.
Release notes
  • PROD-3440 Promoted sub-assembly configurations are not counted correctly
  • PROD-3442 Additional items are not counted correctly when defined in both part and cut-list levels
Release notes
  • PROD-3424 Item count is not correct for promoted treat as child item rows
Release notes
  • PROD-3374 Automatic variables for cut-list-items do not work
  • PROD-3401 Support for macro-enabled excel templates in Export
  • PROD-3414 Incorrect model configuration may be exported in Export mode
  • PROD-3377 Number variable is not written to copied document
  • PROD-3408 CSV export format should be UTF8
  • PROD-3410 Null reference when closing table view in pop out state
  • PROD-3404 While exporting, count is not set properly in multi-configuration environment
  • PROD-3379 Count cannot be used in filename in exporting files
  • PROD-3372 Save As does not always return to home mode
  • PROD-3306 Implement color change for assemblies
  • PROD-3412 Mass is not exported correctly in XML export item schema
  • PROD-3413 Quantity cannot be exported as variable
  • PROD-3382 Exporting DXF files causes exception
  • PROD-3376 Classification default values for cut-list-items do no work
  • PROD-3415 Classifications cannot be suppressed
  • PROD-3373 Property mode cut-list selection clears when selecting a dimension selector
  • PROD-3403 Export matching sheets should export *all* matching sheets
Release notes
  • PROD-3341 Flexible sub-assembly feature tree fails to read
Release notes
  • PROD-3317 Fixed export path is not created as part of export process leading to an exception of missing path
  • PROD-3330 Flattened table does not show variables set by post process table
  • PROD-3288 Implement possibility to use active document variables in export file naming
  • PROD-3297 Toggle default value reverts to false value even when default value is true value
  • PROD-3311 Fails to read flexible assembly features
  • PROD-3273 Support for exclude from cut list setting in table views
  • PROD-3329 Add ReadValueFrom setting to VariableColumn
    • Old "Use parent value if empty" setting is replaced with new "Read value from" setting.
  • PROD-3328 Top Level variables are not written in excel template if active document does not have an item row in table
  • PROD-3299 Positions are not formatted correctly with flattened table view
  • PROD-3336 Row background variable does not work in tables
  • PROD-3318 Table setting resolve all lightweight components is slow in large assemblies
Release notes
  • PROD-3164 Implement component key option in flatten
  • PROD-3279 Implement error summary view
  • PROD-3162 Flatten by variable does not work
  • PROD-3274 Add an option to disable context menu commands when errors found
  • PROD-3263 Random rows are not read correctly
  • PROD-3016 Error in favourite profiles breaks add-in when some profile is not found
  • PROD-2953 Total count is wrong when only parts are created as rows
  • PROD-3262 Implement running activity before or after export
  • PROD-3224 Copy data row style from 1st row in excel export
  • PROD-3211 Null reference exception after save as copy and open -> keep original open
  • PROD-3075 CW6 add-in in sw2023 is not displayed in gold partner add-in list
  • PROD-3197 SOLIDWORKS 2024 compatibility
  • PROD-3230 Add variable operations for copy and save as modes
    • You can now define simple custom actions in Save As and Copy modes for manipulating variable values.
  • PROD-3203 Implement Make Independent command
    • You can now create a custom Make Independent command in CustomWorks profile.
  • PROD-3261 Updating external references fails in specific case while copying
  • PROD-3254 Implement formatted position number
    • You can now define a table column to show formatted position number.
  • PROD-3249 Remove setting main preview image row height in excel export
    • Main assembly preview image no longer sets row height in excel export.
  • PROD-3246 Improve progress status when synchronizing lists
  • PROD-3226 Position item property does not work as intended
  • PROD-3189 Add installer warning when different version of aw has already been installed
  • PROD-3268 Number generator format section translation is missing
Release notes
  • PROD-3210 Add support for body cut-list-items created using sheet metal feature
  • PROD-3192 Improve setup packages
    • AutomateWorks setup now requires installed CustomWorks to be on same produc version, and vice versa.
  • PROD-3176 CW6 BOM does not work in specific profile
  • PROD-2955 Implement possibility to use excel templates as part of excel export
    • You can now include top-level document variables and preview images in Excel export. Refer to help for details.
  • PROD-3190 When task pane is not pinned dimension linking returns to home mode
  • PROD-3198 Cut list order fails in offline context
  • PROD-3170 Default values do not work for cut-list-items
  • PROD-3165 Exclude from BOM not working in table mode
  • PROD-3199 Hide latest toast notification after delay
  • PROD-3171 ForEachItem activity callback order has changed since previous version
  • PROD-3163 Cut list order does not match model cut list order
  • PROD-3159 Project attributes crash export mode
  • PROD-3156 NullReferenceException when reading active document after copy mode open document function
  • PROD-3143 Add more export settings
    • Two settings added to export: - Include master row - No structure Refer to help for details.
  • PROD-3131 Save document thumbnail using activity
  • PROD-3091 Cannot create two rows from a model classification
Release notes
  • PROD-3157 "Visible when no active document present" setting in modes does not work as intended
Release notes
  • PROD-3151 General stability improvements
  • PROD-3049 Implement support for configured cut-list-items in table view
  • PROD-3152 Profile editor UI localization broken in Finnish windows
  • PROD-3109 Add setting for searching drawings by filename
  • PROD-3119 Add show table view by default setting for copy and export modes
  • PROD-3149 Table view read performance improvements
  • PROD-3140 Copy model complete state improvements
  • PROD-3155 Null reference error in profile editor
  • PROD-3007 Implement support for configured patterns in table view
  • PROD-3150 Table view scroll performance improvements
Release notes
  • PROD-3106 Selecting material displays also material database in combobox
  • PROD-3101 Material does not change for cut list items
  • PROD-3107 Add an activity to read revision table
Release notes
  • PROD-3035 Save as mode
  • PROD-2802 Exception when performing save as
  • PROD-2155 Implement show table by default in copy and export mode
  • PROD-3006 Improve Table View performance
  • PROD-2914 Exception when closing a document while table mode is active
  • PROD-3037 Promoting same components from two subassemblies results in wrong counts
  • PROD-3036 Add needs direct parent setting for item definition
  • PROD-3033 Floating activation fails in license information UI
  • PROD-3046 Failed directory naming in save as can prevent inlusion of drawing in save as operation
  • PROD-3045 Improve table scroll performance
  • PROD-3044 Improve table read performance
  • PROD-2985 NullReferenceException when deleting cut list item
  • PROD-3039 TaskExecutionException: Task 'Update tables after selection' threw an exception
Release notes
  • PROD-2943 Add isnumeric check for expression assignment
    • Variable assignments in table views can now use IsBoolean, IsInteger, IsFloat and IsNumeric extension methods in expressions.
  • PROD-2937 Impelement possibility to generate actual cut list name in document expressions
    • Variable default value can now be used to create a link to cut-list item property. For now this works only on the first cut-list item in the part.
  • PROD-2951 Add an option to export files in table order
  • PROD-2946 Include sheet filter does not work for pdf files
  • PROD-2890 Project variable needs to be in model classfication to be shown in userinterface
  • PROD-2978 Promote counts are not correctly counted
  • PROD-2938 User interface preview in profile editor is broken
  • PROD-2952 Margins can be delimited with semicolons which causes an exception
  • PROD-2909 Improve progress bar accuracy
  • PROD-2989 Improve Table Columns
    • You can now add count and quantity columns in a table view without defining variables. You can also override table column header if you want it to differ from referenced variable name.
  • PROD-2981 XML export is broken
  • PROD-2940 Row selection highlight color overwrites row color in table
  • PROD-2942 Unfiriendly exception when trying to change material for an assembly
  • PROD-2947 Ignore show/hide rules does not work root level assembly
  • PROD-2975 Add to and remove from classification in variable context menu does not work
  • PROD-2881 Add support for SOLIDWORKS 2023
  • PROD-2941 Read-only field context menu does not show "copy text" option anymore
  • PROD-2867 Changing copy profile does not obey library component settings reliably
  • PROD-2944 Investigate possibility to add validations in table rows
    • Variable validation results can now be seen in table views. Export commands can be defined to be disabled when variable validations do not pass. Individual variable validations can now have validation level (Info, Warning and Error) and custom validation message.
  • PROD-2970 Suppress / Unsuppress with dependents
    • Suppress and Unsuppress commands now warn about referenced sections, allowing the user to choose whether to suppress or unsuppress them as well.
  • PROD-2986 Item count fails when treat as child item item is used in multiple levels of same subassembly
  • PROD-2948 Promote settings does not work for root level assembly
Release notes
  • PROD-2505 OnApply activity does not implement CW5 type error message
    • OnApply activity now has return value "NotificationMessage" which can be set to show a message to user.
  • PROD-2797 Implement mode visibility setting to allow hiding modes depending on active document type
    • Modes can now be defined to be visible for specific document types only.
  • PROD-2902 Execute command after export
    • You can now execute an external command after exporting an item table.
  • PROD-2805 Table expand does not open all nodes
    • Fixed bug in expanding rows in the item table view.
  • PROD-2698 Using two separators in file naming does not leave one out if middle value is empty
  • PROD-2816 Dimension link text " " resets when profile is saved
  • PROD-2755 Internal lists add semicolons to values
    • In previous versions of CustomWorks editing an internal list in the profile may cause semicolons to be added to the column values. This bug is now fixed.
  • PROD-2667 Implement Variable Type as profile section
    • Variable type is now shown as a profile section in the Profile Tree of the Profile Editor. The reason for this change is technical and and allows us to keep better track on cross-references between the profile sections.
  • PROD-2666 Implement Classification Rules as Profile Sections
    • Classification rules can now be seen in the profile tree as separate sections. For clarity, variables, validations and default values are in subfolders, too.
  • PROD-2716 Implement possiblity to write dimension link always as configuration specific
  • PROD-2732 Implement sorting section alphabetically (e.g. variables)
    • Profile sections such as variables can now be sorted alphabetically in the Profile Editor. The command can be found in the context menu of the Prorile Tree.
  • PROD-2839 Implement sorting of sub section alphabetically
    • Profile sections can now be sorted alphabetically using Sort command in the context menu.
  • PROD-2683 Existing variable target variable selection resets when editing list variable type
    • Variable target sections no longer reset when variable type is changed.
  • PROD-2603 Close export and copy mode when changing documents
    • Active Copy and Export modes are closed if user changes the active document in SolidWorks.
  • PROD-2733 Expression variable builder should include variable group in variable name list
    • The expression builder in Expression variable shows now variable group names for clarity.
  • PROD-2737 Implement default target directory setting for copy/print profiles
    • Default target directory can now be specified in the Copy and Export Profiles.
  • PROD-2873 Saving profile trims whitespace from dimension link separator
  • PROD-2696 Implement possibility to include sheet name in file name only when more than one sheet is printed
    • When exporting drawings, you can now define filename so that sheet name is included in the file name only if more than one sheet is exported.
  • PROD-2668 Implement Dimension Link Types as profile sections
    • Dimension link types can now be seen and edited in the Profile Tree in the Profile Editor.
  • PROD-2669 Implement Variable Target Type as profile section
    • Variable Targets can now be seen and edited in the Profile Tree in the Profile Editor.
  • PROD-2896 Empty dxf sheet message should be info instead of warning
  • PROD-2701 Implement error message for opening newer version profile
    • An error message is now shown if you try to use a profile which has been saved by using a newer version of CustomWorks.
  • PROD-2846 Implement widgets in table view
    • You can now use drop-down lists, check-boxes etc. for filling in variable values in the table view as specified by variable settings.
  • PROD-2897 Sheets are not read when drawing is the active document
  • PROD-2878 Add an option to show mode when there are no documents active in SW
  • PROD-2700 Implement writing version number to profile editor
    • CustomWorks version number is now saved inside the profile file when the profile is saved. This is to verify that you cannot use a profile with older version of CustomWorks.
  • PROD-2894 Add an option to set table columns as readonly in column definition
    • Table columns can now be defined to be read-only.
  • PROD-2613 Table summary view in profile editor is not working
    • Bug was fixed in the summary of Table Views.
  • PROD-2633 Right click on a combobox should allow editing of the list
    • Lists based on text files can now be edited from Properties Mode user interface by right-clicking on a drop-down list and selecting Edit. Notepad will be opened and the list updates dynamically when the text file is saved in Notepad. The editor for text files can be changed from CustomWorks Settings.
  • PROD-2145 Implement target folder recent folders
    • Recently used target folders can be seen in a drop-down list in Copy and Export modes.
  • PROD-2728 Activity types disappear and reappear randomly in Activities menu
    • Profile section intended to be hidden no longer show up when rebuilding the profile.
  • PROD-2560 Change cw5 to cw6 converted file to always change file name so that overriding current profile is not possible
    • To prevent overriding your old CustomWorks 5 profiles, you now have to save your profile with a new filename when converting your profile to CustomWorks 6 format.
Release notes
  • PROD-2761 Update documentation for directory names
  • PROD-2754 Export mode does not start if active profile has been deleted
  • PROD-2759 Implement Original File Path in directory names
  • PROD-2760 Enable checking library components setting has duplicate checkbox in copy profile editor
  • PROD-2738 Export mode output target message is invalid when output has directory name defined
  • PROD-2742 When there are no outputs in export mode there should be no warnings
  • PROD-2739 Show target directory button should not be shown or fixed when general target directory is not present
Release notes
  • PROD-2663 Implement project variables
  • PROD-2649 Exception when editing a drawing
  • PROD-2638 Change lists to be ascending by default
  • PROD-2634 Print mode does not update table view when model changes
  • PROD-2632 Synchoronizing materials cannot be canceled
  • PROD-2627 Implement custom columns in print mode
  • PROD-2624 Exception when selecting activity
  • PROD-2611 Cw5 conversion creates wrong default list separator
  • PROD-2602 Implement Level item property in table export
  • PROD-2571 Implement parent variable value possibility in classification rules
  • PROD-2362 Profile backups when editing profiles in profile editor
  • PROD-2595 Deleting profile section could show linked sections and prompt to delete those also
  • PROD-2508 Add not toggle for classication classification rule
  • PROD-2594 Suppressed sections should be shown in profile tree to allow easy unsuppress
  • PROD-2487 Cache path settings does not change the result file path from appdata to fixed cache path
  • PROD-2577 There should be possibility to use other columns from disctinct search (subgroup to fill maingroup)
  • PROD-2677 Add an option to hide header for group boxes
  • PROD-2693 Single part external references should not be copied
  • PROD-2692 Implement classification or rule for Virtual Parts
  • PROD-2691 Disable copying virtual parts in Copy mode
  • PROD-2597 Copying library components is not possible due to disabled checkboxes
  • PROD-2570 Implement All Configurations Custom Property Target type
  • PROD-2578 Edit profile should notify if profile is already open in profile editor and ask if to use that editor instead
  • PROD-2673 Add include sheet filter for PDF/DXF output
Release notes
  • PROD-2600 Implement reading parent value in table columns
  • PROD-2596 CustomWorks 5 dimension links do not work
  • PROD-2562 Implement flat pattern DXF output in export mode
  • PROD-2599 User Interface visual style updated
Release notes
  • PROD-2134 File and drawing rename during SaveAs operation is done using separate CustomWorks Save As command
    • File and drawing rename during SaveAs operation is done using separate CustomWorks Save As command
  • PROD-2133 New table mode control
    • New table mode control